RuPaul’s Drag Race is a one-of-a-kind television show that has captured the hearts and minds of a diverse audience around the world since it first started in 2009. The show has featured drag contestants from around the country as they fight for the title of America’s Next Drag Superstar. Now, 15 seasons later, the show has brought the iconic drag competition to countries around the world, where international contestants can compete to become the Drag Superstar of their home country. If you’re in between seasons, never fear.
Congrats on 500 Shows, RuPaul’s Drag Race Live!
There’s one drag race you can catch five nights a week in Las Vegas. RuPaul’s Drag Race Live! at Flamingo Las Vegas features some of the biggest names in the drag world, including Derrick Barry, Daya Betty, Kennedy Davenport, Nicky Doll, and Coco Montrese, with Lawrence Chaney as the show’s host. These queens will take you on a journey through drag as they serve up Las Vegas realness with their charm, passion, and talent.
Last week, the show celebrated a major milestone with its 500th live performance. The event was commemorated with a brilliant celebration and an appearance from none other than RuPaul, who addressed audiences before the start of the show, “I just wanted to thank you all for making this such a hit show. You know this is our 500th performance, it’s crazy, it’s so amazing. This is obviously a labor of love, and we love doing the show. There’s so much more to come here. You know we got girls coming, we got holes coming in and out of this, and we have a really great show for you tonight. I want you to enjoy it. Tell your friends to keep coming back. I think this may be my 10th time seeing it. I love it every single time.” RuPaul reappeared on stage later on during the show to join Lawrence Chaney for a slapping demonstration that was one of the highlights of the night.
As the queens make their way through the competition, they face formidable challenges that test their skills in a wide variety of areas. From acting in comedic skits to walking the runway in the most outrageous outfits imaginable, the queens must push themselves to the limit to impress the judges and earn the respect of their fellow competitors. Along the way, they form deep bonds of friendship and support, making for some of the most heartwarming moments in television history. With its electrifying blend of creativity, humor, and sheer spectacle, RuPaul’s Drag Race is must-see TV for anyone who loves a good show.
Not only can you expect an amazing performance from these talented queens, but you’ll also be treated to a one-of-a-kind spectacle that combines the drama of reality television with the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas. From jaw-dropping costumes to stunning lip-syncing numbers, RuPaul’s Drag Race Live! is a must-see show that will leave you feeling dazzled and entertained. So if you’re looking for a night out that’s filled with energy, excitement, and plenty of sass, be sure to check out RuPaul’s Drag Race Live! in Las Vegas.