Tournament of Kings, located at Excalibur Way, is an exhilarating dinner show that transports guests back to the glorious medieval times. Situated in the heart of a renowned resort, this live-action arena spectacular offers an unforgettable experience filled with thrilling jousting tournaments, daring swordfights, and majestic pageantry. As guests indulge in a delectable feast fit for a king, they also have the chance to root for their favorite knights as they compete in epic battles for honor and glory. With its immersive atmosphere and captivating performances, Tournament of Kings offers a one-of-a-kind entertainment that brings the magic of a bygone era alive.
At Tournament of Kings, the fun doesn’t stop with the exhilarating performances and mouthwatering feast. The theater itself is reminiscent of a medieval castle, complete with towering stone walls, grand archways, and even a moat. This enchanting setting adds to the authenticity of the experience, allowing guests to truly feel like they have stepped into a realm of knights and chivalry. With its thrilling action, delicious food, and enchanting atmosphere, Tournament of Kings is a must-visit attraction for anyone seeking a unique and immersive entertainment experience.