Pirates Dinner Adventure, situated on 6400 Carrier Dr, invites guests to embark on a swashbuckling voyage that promises a thrilling and entertaining experience. This interactive dinner show combines acrobatics, comedy, and jaw-dropping stunts to create a one-of-a-kind adventure on the high seas. Set in a carefully crafted replica of an 18th-century Spanish galleon, attendees become part of the action as they cheer for their favorite pirate, feast on a delicious meal fit for a buccaneer, and witness impressive sword fights and aerial displays.
Pirates Dinner Adventure offers an engaging and immersive experience for all ages. As guests step into the world of pirates, they are greeted with a fully realized pirate village and an impressive 300,000-gallon indoor lagoon. The show encourages audience participation, with young and old alike joining forces to help the pirates in their quest for treasure. With talented performers, impressive special effects, and a flavorful meal served during the show, Pirates Dinner Adventure guarantees an evening of family-friendly excitement and unforgettable memories.